Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Most Terrifying Thing About Technology

So it’s Halloween and we’ve had a whopping two trick-or-treaters. It looks like that’s all for the night. And those two even came together. On the plus side, more leftover candy for me. Score!

As I was trying to think of an appropriate topic for a Halloween post, I recalled the most terrifyingly annoying concept to ever hit the Internet. I am, of course, referring to “screamers”. If you don’t know what those are you can watch a poor kid be terrified by one below.

Basically the unwitting victim is presented with a computer screen that requires their attention in some way. The one I fell for back in 2001 was “What’s Wrong With This Picture?” which encourages you to intently study the picture to figure out, you guessed it, what’s wrong with it. After a few moments, the picture suddenly changes to a horrible image, usually a bloody face or ghost, and a piercing scream erupts from your speakers.

Now, let me say that I love scary stories, Halloween, and all that stuff. It’s easily my favorite time of year. But I really, really loathe screamers. If you’re going to pull a prank on someone, you should do it face to face. For one, it’s not funny if you’re not there to see it happen. But more importantly, if you’re going to be trickster to your friends, you should at least have the decency to be there in person to face the consequences, as follows.

The end result is that every time I view a video or flash game on the Internet, in the back of my mine I'm wondering if it's another screamer, waiting to pounce on me.


1 comment:

Mary Alice Ball said...

Wow, Joe. I guess I am more out of it than I thought. I had never heard of screamers until now. I can't imagine foisting one on some unsuspecting child, as in the first video. Aargh! Glad you have lots of leftover candy.